...things which have been cast down 

are being raised up... 

...things which have grown old 

are being made new.

The Book of Common Prayer

All are welcome for another service of Compline chanted by candlelight on April 28 at 8pm. Amidst the grief, frustration, and exhaustion we may feel, in this Easter season we are remembering that new life is real, that resurrection is mysteriously possible, that each moment is "ever new." 

The music for this 35 minute service will feature two works from two 16th century choral composers, John Sheppard and Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina and two works by two living artists: Norwegian composer Ola Gjeilo and the pioneering electronic artist and queer elder, Beverly Glenn-Copeland. We will sing a new arrangement of Copeland's "Ever New," whose lyrics invite us all into the grace of this moment.

Welcome the spring, the summer rain

Softly turned to sing again

Welcome the bud, the summer blooming flower

Welcome the child whose hand I hold

Welcome to you both young and old

We are ever new, we are ever new

Whatever you carry in these days, whatever your relationship to church, you belong in this space of stillness, reflection, and ease. Come and seek a little peace—and bring a friend!

we are gathering a new 

community of practice

drawing on what is life-giving 

in the Christian tradition:

what do you dream of, yearn for, hope for?

This is a new adventure, begun in the Fall of 2023: we do not know where the Spirit will lead us.

We are planting seeds and seeing what sprouts; we are running experiments and seeing what emerges.

Some of the things we are trying so far...

Blessing Bureau

Tuesdays from 8:30 - 10am

Bliss Plaza

46th St / Bliss Station (7)

Come receive a blessing 

in the name of God who is love! 

(That's it!)

Open, Quiet Space

Sundays from 7 - 9pm

All Saints Episcopal Church

43-12 46th St.

No program, just contemplative silence, candlelight

One might:

Be still


Let go of the week that is past

Mourn and lament

Find your center

Listen for the voice of truth

Sit in the presence of God's delight...


One Sunday a month @ 8pm

All Saints Episcopal Church

43-12 46th St.

We gather in the sanctuary for Compline ("Night Prayer") chanted by a quartet of singers. This 35 minute service also includes classic choral works from the Anglican choral tradition and reinterpretations of more contemporary musicians like The Magnetic Fields, Neil Young, and Beverly Glenn-Copeland. Get a taste at this link. 

We are part of the Episcopal Church, which traces its roots back to the English Reformation, and on back to the first followers of Jesus. We are actively pursuing justice, reconciliation, and repair. 


We are fully affirming of queer and trans folks. We see in queer life and love an image of God. We ordain and appoint to leadership people of every gender, sexual orientation, race, and ability.

Read more about why...

The Rev. Dr. Carl Adair (he/him) is gathering this new church start. His passion is to help create spaces where people feel seen and known, where they are opened to awe and wonder, where their pain is held and their gifts are cherished—and they feel empowered and supported to grow into greater integrity.